Many times we feel that we should work with our intellect we work I cow boy style.
Lets evaluate here what is right or wrong with that approach
Let’s first think what is good in that.
1-You are working with you instincts rather than your plan so that you using your intellect rather than your mind so super natural out come is possible Many problems which no body can solve but this type of person can solve.
This is cow boy approach so there is no time waste I planning and execution strategies
Mental plans and execution strategies are made on the fly.
Now what is drawback:
Because there is no plan There is no guarantee for success, Everything is eventual.
There are more chances of failure than success.
You can’t make people understand or convince about your goals (Many times), Many times you don’t know when your mind became lethargic or drawn away and the whole purpose is cheated
You are not able to break your work in milestone as a result you may lose moral support of people around you.
They may end up thinking that you don’t do anything because there is no measurement of your work in their mind
Elan musk can colonize Mars but nobody will believe until he shows it in actual results.
To be continued…