WordPress: Provide social share buttons in post notification email

Subscribers of your blog are very important for you and you may want them to be intimated immediately ( by sending new  post notification email) as soon as you publish a post instead of leaving responsibility on them to keep on coming to your blog and checking whether you have published any post or not.

There are bunch of plugins which do this job,you have to just install them and activate.

Now what more ?

So, You may also be interested to make this email more personalized and also there should be a way so that they can directly go the particular  post by clicking on the post link .

There is one more beautiful feature which can attract your readers.You may want to give them facility to share your article to their Facebook’s walls directly from  the post notification email you sent .Same for other social media platforms like LinkedIn, Google Plus etc .

For now I am writing how to apply this one feature only( social media share buttons in subscription email)

Please follow the below steps

Go and search which template is being used to while sending emails and modify that in the following way

1 – Hello and name variable ,Name variable like [ name ]

2-Generic plain text in email i.e.

Hi ( Name will be populated from the above mentioned variable)

I have published new post  —– [post title variable] — post description  via [post description variable]

You are getting this email because you have subscribed for my blog . Please click here to unsubscribe if you don’t want to get emails further….

Now your signature

Below the  signature you have to give social media icons then make them clickable by associating link with them .This link should be a variable of post’s url which you are going to publish

This is the general concept . now let us tweak little bit so that some snapshot of post comes for your post when it is shared on  your social media walls

Give hyperlink urls for the icons like this






https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text={{POSTTITLE}}&url={{POSTLINK-ONLY}}&via=your twitter handle

Google Plus:


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